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For many years we have been working and promoting the use of natural dyes also outside of food applications. We have now launched our own informative website for our natural dyes. Just follow the link NIG NATURAL DYES


NIG developed a range of natural dyestuffs for technical applications together with partners from agricultural, textile technical und leather technical field. Our raw materials comes, if possible, from our own contract farmers. NIG is able of a closed partnership with farmers, processors and application specialists for natural dyestuffs.

Natural dyestuffs access now, trough the development of industrial useable extracts, a potential for demanding products. You can reach a wide range of harmonically colours with NIG dyestuffs. The application form of the dyestuffs normally is powder.

Normally natural dyestuffs are a mixture of different single dyestuffs. The mixture is depend on cultivation and weather conditions during maturity. Our NIG research developed, beginning with the harvesting process, new processing technologies. The NIG technologies permit a minimisation of the natural deviations and the production of reproducible dyestuff qualities for a successful dyeing process of your products.

The dyestuff can use for following application substrates:

Cork or
Production of pigments

Farbmuster - Textil
Reseda luteola
Krappextrakt - Madder extract
Wasserkunststraße 26    -    D-39124 Magdeburg    -    Tel:  +49   391 2524275    -    Fax:  +49   391 2524276    -    E-Mail: